Porter's Value Chain Model

Porter's Value Chain Model is way of organizing a business' efforts into a single system. The model identifies five primary activities and four support activities. The primary activities are inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing, and service. Support activities include procurement, technology development, human resource management, and firm infrastructure.

For this assignment, watch the Value Chain Analysis youtube video by Dennis Adams.

Then, create an online page that presents and explains Porter's Value Chain. In particular explain how each job within a company could be classified as primary or support. Also, comment on which areas, if any, you would expect to be impacted by technical developments such as cloud/mobile computing or the Internet of Things.

Post you page(s) to your online portfolio.


Week 9
Readings from Cloud Essentials.
Ch4, Current Tech
Ch5, Business Value
Ch 8, Applications
Week 10
Ch 11, Security
Ch 12, Privacy and Compliance
Week 11
Mobility+ Ch3, RF
Week 12
Mobility+ Ch4, Cell Tech

Cloud Essentials available online through UH Books 24x7. (Checked 10 March 16.)

Mobility+ Certification AIO